

Casino aims to migrate semi-automatically the front-end of applications regardless of its implementing language. The front-end corresponds to the widgets and their behaviors.

Migration Strategy

Here is a diagram showing the migration steps implemented by Casino.

Migration process

GUI Meta-model

Full Widgets meta-model

Full widgets metamodel

Download the metamodel

Current results

GWT application migration to Angular

Source Application (GWT)Target Application (Angular)
Home GWTHome Angular
Libelle GWTLibelle Angular
Nav GWTNav Angular
Nav2 GWTNav2 Angular
Onglet GWTOnglet Angular
uiDesk GWTuiDesk Angular

GWT to Seaside

Here are some other examples of the results obtained for GWT application migration to Seaside (Traccar):

Source Application (GXT)Target Application (Seaside)
Account GXTAccount Angular
Login GXTLogin Angular
Preferences GWTPreferences Angular

Spec to Spec2


Source Application (Spec)Target Application (Spec2)
Account GXTAccount Angular

The core of the project (with the importer GWT and the exporter Angular) is available on GitHub. There are also:


Some importers or exporters are still in beta version. However, you can help us! 😄

To use Casino, we must use a Moose 8 image.